If you are a girl in Orange County, you can walk into almost any shopping center, and find a fashion store, where we can find the latest styles, at super cheap prices. Sure the quality is not name brand stuff, but it is cheap and we can buy dresses for under 30 dollars. Men have never been this lucky, If they want the latest styles, they have to walk into a pricey department store and buy name brand, unless they want to look outdated.
Man 2 Man is the answer. They offer all the latest styles in Men's clothes from cool jeans to fitted shirts etc... the prices here are a quarter of what you would pay in the department store. If you want to keep up with the latest styles but not break the bank, Man 2 Man is a good option. Keep in mind the quality of clothes is not going to be the same as the 150 dollar DKNY shirt you can buy, but it looks great and costs only 25.