This vet is a sick joke. I took my rabbit in for a skin and eye problem. I cant be more specific because no one ever could tell me what the problem was. I do know that they ran a test for ringworm, for $60, then they called and said they contaminated the sample so they would need us to bring my rabbit back in. I called them, just to test them, and was told the results came back negative. They gave me a medicine which my rabbit reacted badly to, then when I went in to ask for something else they just threw some cream at me, which is not made for an animal as small as a rabbit, which I only know because the label says so. We have made two requests over the course of three weeks for the vet to call us, and was told ""she will try to get back to you this week,"" we still have not heard from the vet. They also clipped the fur off of my rabbit's problem areas, the only helpful thing they did, but not without knicking him twice. I understand rabbits are
notoriously hard to clip but I seriously dont think they even noticed, and if so they they neglected to inform us of his injuries. I hate this vet, I am so angry at them and at the fact that they scammed over a hundred dollars out of me to do nothing for my pet.