Sexual HarrasseHe told me I'm so sexy, that I'm the prettiest girl, he's ever seen. He said my face lights up the room, requested sex from me, he started visiting me inside my house. He started paying for my gym membership to tell me how much he loves me. Then I discovered that he invites all the women that he wants to sleep with to this gym. He lied to me. Plz Do not hire Majeed Samara. He's a terrible lawyer, he plays on both sides and is always on the side that pays him the most amount of money. He sold his soul to the devil. After I paid him, he received a bribe from my Ex to ruin my divorce case. He got double-paid by both sides to come up with a judgment in favor of the side that paid him the most. He requests casual sex from his clients. I refused to offer him casual sex, and as a result, he turned against me. He came to court, refused to say anything to defend me because he got paid to shut up, he told the judge he doesn't know anything. Every time, I begged him to fill out a form, he refused because he was given a bribe and given directions not to help his own clients. Not to mention, Mr. Samara is bisexual. he has a fetish with men and women that get nail manicures and pedicures. I saw a list of 20 prostitutes that he signed up to his gym for his on-and-off pleasures. He slept with his best friend's wife Mrs. Magdoline, then called her a hore after she slept with a third person. He spends his weekends flying with different prostitutes. He says he gets married on paper for one weekend of fun. When he discovered that I have a multimillionaire cousin, Elham Louis, he begged me to request a date with her. I hired Majeed to continue an existing restraining order. He lied to me and told me that he read my file but he didn't. He showed up to court completely unprepared. He received bribery from my Ex to act against me while representing me. He was given orders by my Ex's lawyers to frame me look like the worst mother. He yelled at me and told me not to say anything and not to interrupt any of the other lawyer