I had the displeasure of attmpting to dine here. 1st they market it as a brewery, it is NOT. NO beer is made here. 2nd hands down the WORST service I have every had any where in the world. Being a soldier I have eaten is some awful places. Our server obviously was mentally challenged as she managed to screw up a simple request for Pepsi 3 times, insisting on serving Iced tea. 1 1/2 into the quest our food order were placed as I still sat dry glassed wanting for more beer. Mind you, it took nearly 45 minutes and 5 or more trips from our server to get my first. Once the server was replaced and order taken for the second time. Our food began arriving 2 hours and 45 minutes after we arrived (with reservations)
Pros: good beer selection, nothing, nothing
Cons: LOUSY staff, Bad food, worse service