I have now had three Dim Sum meals at Lychee house and can say with a straight face, to the most critical Sinophile, that piece for piece, it is as good as Chinatown Brasserie and, unless you¹re looking for offal, curious seafood or the lower extremities of fowl, even better than most places in Chinatown, including the Golden Unicorn.\r
There are more than a dozen dishes ranging from familiar Seared Pork Dumplings, Shanghainese Soup Dumplings and Cha Shu Bao (Cantonese Roast Pork Buns), to the more exotic Pomegranate Shaped Peking-style Crispy Pork Shu Mai and nearly sublime Foie Gras Dumplings.\r
The dishes are made-to-order but what they have in common, whether they originated in Northern or Southern Chinese kitchens or in a Singapore ³Hawker¹s² stall, is that they¹re fresh and clean tasting and manageable in a bite or two.\r
Worth special consideration: The Foie Gras Dumplings are wrapped in a delicate transparent skin through which the wonderful earthy flavor of Foie Gras fills the mouth. The Coral dumplings also thin-skinned, is filled with a whole rather than chopped shrimp. The Singapore ³Hawker² Style Fishhballs, with a crispy rice exterior, combine subtle ocean taste with a happy texture.\r
Over my three visits, I¹ve eaten every item on the Dim Sum menu. On each visit, I ate with one colleague, and we found that five plates, followed by an order of Shanghanese Flat Noodles w/ pork, were more than sufficient to walk away feeling well fed. A sweet dumpling called Snowflake Nuomici, which is charming in every sense of the word, completed each meal. This is one Hong Kong favorite that actually satisfies my very Western sweet tooth.\r