Has the potential to be a great thrift shop! Pricing is actually a C+ despite what previous reviews say.
Some suggestions are as follows. Move the jewelry trays in the case to the left away from the register. This will allow people to look at the merchandise without having to move out of the way of customers waiting to check out. Security is probably a concern, but with a designated person in charge, sales will increase. You have a wonderful selection and pricing - let people see it.
Reorganize and expand the children's clothing area to include shoes. Too many kid games and toys have been there for a very long time.
Display some electronics in the front window along with other man-stuff. This will draw in the guys who aren't looking for a dollar pair of pants.
The room that contains all the household items needs a total makeover. Move all the pictures/artwork/small appliances located by the books to the household room. Place the sheets and towels on shelves. The card display is great albeit messy. Lots of square footage devoted to this under-utilized area.
Let people know that next door you have a furniture and appliance store. If possible, put all furniture from the main store into the furniture store - more room for an expanded children's area.
The book section is totally organized and you can find wonderful treasures.
The volunteers are wonderful and deserve our thanks for the work they do.