For those brides and grooms to be, I'm glad that you're doing your homework to read reviews about loveliness. *** For more reviews (mostly bad ones that you'll find,) please visit CitySearch, Yahoo business reviews, Chopstick Brides, RateItAll, and whatever ones you can find. Apparently, loveliness does not have any experienced workers to handle the volumn of work they have. All they keep focussing on is bringing in more and more business. Please, don't believe anything they tell you. Once they have completed their shooting services and collected at least 80% of your money (they have already made their profit by now) they shift their attention from you to new customers. This is only the beginning of a long and ugly battle for you to fight with them. She claimed to have retired, but we all know that is a BIG lie! She is still the official registered owner for this business. These thieves (loveliness) are not expert in ANYTHING exept for LYING and ROBBING people's money. They prey on the fact that after a while most couples would just give up fighting them because it's too draining. This way, loveliness wins because they keep your thousands of dollars and merely deliver the minimum (crappy final products that are full of mistakes.) If you try to get them to fix their own mistakes they will put you in the back burner and deal with new customers instead. Also, the son will tell you that you're lucky because he's not charging you for them to fix their own mistakes. If this is not the most ABSURD thing anyone has heard, then I can't imagine what is. One of the reviewers is so right about categorizing ricky as RETARDED, since this is not what a normal person would say. This entire loveliness family has absolutely no sense of morality, character, integrity, and more. You can tell by how their children have turned out (lie, cheat, robb, etc.) just like the parents. I don't know what else to say to help discourage you from stepping into loveliness=HELL.
Pros: Absolutely nothing!
Cons: Everything about them!