Cupcake Bar Having a cupcake craving? This week, Love Cafe opens its cupcake bar, featuring customized, individual cupcakes served at room temperature. What's so important about the temperature? In the past, both Cake Love and Love Cafe kept cakes refrigerated and advised customers to let them thaw before serving. Now, those seeking instant gratification can get their fix their way. At the bar, customers have a choice of vanilla and chocolate cakes and a rotating selection of buttercreams: lemon, lime, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. For some extra decadence, customize those cakes with jimmies, flavored sugars, candied peanuts and homemade toffee, for starters. More flavors and toppings will be available as Love Cafe gets a read on customer favorites and requests. --Melissa McCart (Express, Feb. 22, 2007)