I ordered flowers for my Mom's birthday two days prior to her date. On the day of her birthday, she received nothing, so naturally I called to confirm that the flowers were on their way. When I called Loghouse to inquire on the delivery status, Linda asked me where are the flowers going to? I stated my Mom's name. She said again ""to where?"" I said my Mom's name again, thinking she did not hear me the first time. When she said, ""where"" again for the 3rd time, I finally said Boone NC. She got extremely rude at that point because she did not clarify the nature of her question and said, NO! The Address!!. So, I gave the address and then she asked me my Mom's name again. She put me on hold. She came back to the phone, I really thought OK, she'll let me know the status and discuss. She came back and in an angry tone stated, ""WE DO NOT DELIVER FLOWERS TO ADDRESSES UNTIL WE VERBALLY CONFIRM FIRST!! They are around the corner from my Mom's house but why did not anyone feel the need to contact me directly when they could not reach my Mom or if they could not locate the address? If so, a phone call or email to me the day before the delivery should have taken place! No communication. When I asked that information, she said they tried calling my Mom all morning long - which was NOT TRUE!! My Mom received no phone calls or msgs from them. Linda, instead of being apologetic for not communicating held her angry stance about being rightful in not delivering the flowers or communicating.. Had I not called, my Mom would have received nothing even though I paid over $100. I actually made the comment to Linda thanking her for a ""joyful"" experience. She practically hung up on me! I have told my Mom in detail & though she used them in the past, will stop. I am literally shocked at the harsh treatment I received, lack of care and communication and now as confirmed, their untruthfulness. Ps. Owner jcalled my Mom and was rude to her too when she told him how bad of service rec'd.
Pros: Website ordering
Cons: Rude, Will not deliver w/o verbal confirmation (doesn;t that ruin the element of surprise)