The current mall s*cks, and is more gay than a handbag full of rainbows. If you like bad cosumer goods priced at insulting levels, this piece of garbage mall is for you, yo. The mothers that run this joint like to buy bad wares for $1 and sell them for $2. I do like the skate park idea though, yo. By far the most innovative thing I have heard in decades. It could be the investment opportunity of the century. Perhaps the biggest no brainer in the history of earth. Lockportians: suffer no more. Support the skate park, yo. When the sun sets in L-port, the yos got nowhere to run. A 24-hour indoor skate park is the answer to our prayers.
Pros: Lots of open space and no people-- perfect for an indoor skate park.
Cons: It's in Lockport, yo.