This learning center is a joke. My 4 year old twin sons attend the after school program for 2- 2.5 hours. Last school year we had issues with a bully in their class who was a good year or so older than my boys, who was cursing, hitting, choking, and throwing rocks at them. I told Mrs. Sue Waddell and it continued on for a week before I showed up with photos of the bruises and burnmarks around my child's neck. Then she moved them into the age appropriate class. We did not let them return to the LWLC for the summer program in fear that they would not be under proper supervision. This year, the boys begged us to let them return because their Pre-K friends attend the after school program. In the first week and only week back, one of my POTTY TRAINED sons came home sitting in his own filth two day in a row. I asked him why he didn't make it to the restroom and he and his brother both said that their ""teacher"" told them they could NOT go to the restroom and that they needed to wait til they went in from the playground because there were not enough ""teachers"" to take them potty. So the ""teacher"" had a little boy from their class escort him to the restroom ALONE when they got back to class. This is very strange to me, considering his twin brother could have escorted him if he couldn't go alone. After the second day of my son being told to sit in his own filth til I got there to pick him up, I was livid. I asked the young girls in the room who was responsible for my sons during their two hours at the Learning Center and they were all very nervous and pointed fingers at each other. I did not get a straight answer so I went to the receptionist and let her know what had happended. She wrote down a memo for Mrs. Waddell and left it for her. The next day Sue had excuse after excuse and assured me that my kids were in good hands. We payed her and went home for the weekend. When we picked the kids up this afternoon she had all of their stuff packed and told my husband that my kids were kicked out because of my ""outburst"" and that I ""yelled"" at the girls watching my sons. When I called to ask her about it, she hung up on me. I would NEVER recommend this place for anyone's children. Making a child sit in their own poo is CHILD ABUSE. These people make me sick.