Having witnessed many classes of several different age groups and skill levels at the Little Gym has left me with a mixed opinion of it. While the colors, music and activities get the young children moving and even the older children when they first begin attendance I feel that there isn't enough emphasis placed on advancing skill-wise for the children. While I understand a big part of the Little Gym is to make children feel good about themselves I don't condone congratulating children only for trying and not pushing them to actually imrpove their skills. The more advanced children end up having to wait in line for their turn, taking only a single turn because they have actually mastered the skill, while the children who have not are allowed multiple attempts and often receive more praise for trying their best than children who have actually accomplished something.
Overall, my experience with the Little Gym has been positive and I would recommend it to parents whose children were not looking to move into competetive or high-level gymnastics.