My best advice is to stay away from Lighthouse Financial. If you are that desperate, make sure you are never late on your payments. This company hires private investigators that go to your house in person, leaving threatening messages on their business cards. They also contact your neighbors, also in person, about your whereabouts, etc. They arrive at odd hours of the evening (8pm last night!). Know your rights, they are NOT allowed to disclose information to third parties (neighbors, friends, etc) which Lighthouse violated. I am in talks in with my lawyer about a potential suit in court in regards to my rights being violated by Lighthouse Financial. Most loan companies will send you to small claims court to get the issue resolved. However, Lighthouse Financial insists on hiriing private investigators to do the dirty work. You won't get phone calls, or letters. You will have people contacting you in person, on private property, at inconvenient times. Borrowing money from Lighthouse Financial is like borrowing money from Satan himself.
Pros: there is nothing good about this company
Cons: harassment, harassment, harassment