Really George, what I am wondering is if you know enough about the store to know they have stuff left over from North Commerce and you feel they are ripping people off and you are put off with the decaying pallets why in the world you are still going in the place. They make stores for people like you, they are called the big box stores, they have nice neat little shelves, they have their nice little bar codes so you are not bothered with having several different prices on the same item. Here is a news flash Sparky, Leonard's has been going strong for over 100 years, so I am fairly sure that your pompous little rant is not going to do them much harm although I am quite certain it made you fell just a teensy bit superior in a Saturday Night Live Church Lady sort of way. And while on the 100 year subject, stick around and see if Lowe's last that long. Home Depot almost went out of business several years ago. Leonard's has stayed in business because they cater to tradesmen, do-it-yourselfers, industry, contractors and homeowners alike. It probably is no the place for folks in perfectly ironed pleated plaid shorts that whines about dirty tags on lawn mowers. Take your whiny little self to Lowes, or Victoria's Secret and leave Leonard's for the folks that get stuff done. Now to the rest of the world, If you need ANYTHING hardware, Leonard's is your place. If you can't find it ask for Ron Greer, he is the nicest guy you will ever meet is a walking treasure trove of knowledge in all things hardware. To all of the Leonard's staff, thanks for all of your help over the years!