I went to Dr. Lee because I was having sharp pain from a tooth on the upper left side of my mouth. Dr. Lee misdiagnosed which tooth was the source of the pain because she failed to perform an endo ice test. This is a simple test which a dentist performs by placing refrigerant spray on a cotton tipped applicator, then applying it to the suspect tooth. As I result, I ended up having two teeth receive root canals and crowns rather than one. Dr. Lee later said she did not have the chemical to perform the endo ice test. Currently, a can of the spray to perform the endo ice test can be purchased by anybody on ebay for $19.99! As a result of her misdiagnosis, I sustained financial loss, unnecessary pain and inconvenience, but even worse, a healthy tooth has been weakened by having unnecessary procedures performed upon it. Sure, Dr. Lee is a sweet, attractive woman, but that is not why you go to the dentist. If you want competent care, look elsewhere!