Dear Dr. Day,\r
I am inquiring about my medical records. Have they arrived? [Oops-called-no results}\r
It feels like forever since I was seen in your office...February 18th to be exact.\r
THEN--Shocked--""No health care for you.""\r
NOTHING. ""We will call you when we get your records."" Dr. Day said.\r
45 days I have spent...waiting--in pain, in stress, disappointment.\r
Oh, how happy I was finally, finally--getting ""health care"" (No more will I scrape and pray for medical attention.)\r
Your interview was very thorough! \r
I received absolutely 0.0% medical attention. I received no assistance. No care.\r
If this is my new healthcare, I'm confused, because I wasn't given any.\r
By the by--whithin the last 45 days since you interviewed me--not treat me.\r
So--here I am. Holding my breath.\r
I called your office--(you said you'd call me when the records came in.) Unknown timeframe.\r
Nothing-- 45 days--no records.\r
Now what? We start from scratch?\r
Your the only Dr. on my plan within an hour.\r
You took lots and lots of notes--why don't you read them and do something? Cause I can't wait another 45 days!\r
April 3rd--12:28--your office has informed me that no response has been received from my signed docs. That my forms, granting all access to my health records...\r
Question: So your office has lost my entire medial release forms?\r
Answer: We do not have them.\r
(I asked her to inquire into the seriousness of this circumstance. To look into who was working on February 18th, because there could be a breach of security. (I filled them out in the office, handed half to Dr. Day and the other documents, fully filled out to the front office staff.)\r
they were looking but could not find a receipt of fax, nor find the original documents. \r
I kept asking if they shred them? Do they burn them? Where could they be? They said that they might be in a back-log pile that was waiting for computer input. I said to look 45 days back, he did and reported no such documents exist. I asked where they could be? No answer.\r
Then, Amanda Thomas, calls me back. She seemed frustrated with their own incompetence, but lashes out saying I have a bad tone, and that she is officially discharging me. \r
Just when you thought healthcare couldn't get worse. They are inept, potentially negligent, potentially criminal.\r
My request was to research who was in charge of documents that day and to take a look at the problem...which has had a huge impact on my lack of care, and now my loss of care.\r
I intend to go to an attorney, research HIPPA laws, and go public with this gross abuse and turning around of guilt and negligence on a patient who never received care...never threatened, never swore, never did a single thing illegal or inappropriate. But they got paid...don't worry.