Years ago, in the beginning of her journey, Kellie traveled to China and lived for two years learning and practicing the skills required to become a professional practitioner. Her emphasis was accupuncture and herbal remedies. Several years ago she expanded into homepathy. The deeper practice of exploring emotional, mental, and physical states of an individuals wellness. Partially, based upon the theory that every illness is associated with an emotion within the physical body. Assessing the clients history to their overall well being, a course of action is formulated for the client. Personally, I no longer suffer from sciatic nerve, arthritis, dizzyness associated with vertigo, lower back pain and releif from the common cold and flu.
What more can I say, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain by making an appointment and taking the first step to improving your well being as an alternative to solving personal illness.
Pros: A people person., Competent, Professional