The only thing this institution seems to have a grasp on is swiping your credit card, asking you for your signature and employing an elaborate but otherwise useless website. Now what you can expect is total disregard for the well being of your pets. After adopting a pet from a friend, whose primary veterinarian was at Kingsland Blvd. Animal Clinic, I decided to continue his care with them. The first sign of trouble began when I set up his online vaccination records, and future appointments. After receiving post cards and email alerts for up coming vaccinations, I instructed my brother to take my dog to get his shots and heart worm prevention medication. After returning he informs me that the veterinarians did not mention my dog's need for a vaccination, although according to his health record, email alert, and postcard all indicated otherwise. Needless to say we had to make another trip to clinic to get his vaccinations done. On a separate occasion, we took our dog to the clinic for a check-up because he had been retching, not eating and lost a bit of weight, while there I'm told that they have incorrectly scribed his test results and he indeed has had heart worms for some time (before we adopted him). All this was told to me not by my vet, but a vet technician who continued to say, ""Yes, this is strange, it seems that we wrote down he was negative, but he tested positive."" DUH!!! While she was stating the obvious I was waiting for an apology from the vet and/or the vet tech for the enraging mistake, which I received from neither. I did not even see the veterinarian for the duration of the appointment, I did however get to speak with the very knowledgeable vet tech whose inane hypotheses knew no end. From these, let's face it, utterly stupid mistakes, I have to pose the question: Do they even read our pet's health records or do they just glance at them while totaling up our bill? Needless to say I am changing my veterinarians and hope no one else and their pet is ever subject to this complete lack of intelligence, competence, and disregard for the Veterinarian's Oath.