I once worked for Kiddi Kollege. The spelling alone irritated me as a ""learning center"" for children. The curriculum was poorly put together and I never even knew about it until I had been there for over a month! We often used window cleaner or bathroom cleaner to clean the tables and were told not to use bleach on the floors, just to mop with water, and sometimes we would sprinkle dishwashing liquid on the floor. There were NO supplies and the owner was rude when you asked for stuff. My director was wonderful but highly underpaid. The teachers were lazy and mean to the kids, the baby teacher actually knocked a 1 year old down one time and the 2 year old teacher SCREAMED at the children. Two teachers, who were related, were allowed to take leave to go on a random trip to Florida with hours notice and all the owner said was, ""Well, they won't be getting paid will they?"" but were allowed to come back to their jobs. The owner rarely knew kids' names. The room I worked in had maybe 7 small buckets of manipulatives and a kitchen set with some stuff in it plus a few babies. Not going to lie, we spent most of our time watching movies and the kids were out of control. When I was hired I had NO experience and was put in a room by myself, no training, with 12 children. This place was AWFUL. I would have never taken my children there and when I observed other schools for my observation hours, I applied and got another job!!!