been a long-time fan of the Kenichi in Austin, and was thrilled when the Dallas location opened! things to know about kenichi: food is served family-style, and comes right from the kitchen when ready... if you go there expecting an app>salad>sushi>entree coursing, you will be in for a long wait. the best way to experience dining there is to bring a few friends, order a few of each course, and just let it the evening unfold. it was tons of fun to have little plates of awesomeness arrive at the table in no particular order, and just taste everything! my friends and i even shared an entree around the table! (try the hawaiian-inspired Ono dish, or ask for a steak to come out sliced with a choice of sauces. delicious!) appetizer-type dishes to look for: the Beef Negimaki and the Black Cod. 5 of the 6 rolls we ordered on our last visit came out artfully arranged on a single plate for the center of the table (the Miami roll gets its own display on a separate plate, placed on a tasty pink onion vinaigrette). for dessert, asian pear bread pudding. sounds odd, tastes INCREDIBLE.
Pros: food quality, sake list, music, wine, people-watching, unique dining experience
Cons: parking, occasionally loud dining room, area traffic