Katerina's is an outright treasure that should be front and center in every travel and guide book about Chicago ! Without the slightest doubt in my mind, its the best combination of restaurant and nightclub this city has to offer. If you just chose to examine Katerina's as a restaurant, I think the food would stand up to the best in the city. If you factor in the very reasonable prices you have got a cost per value ratio that any restaurant in the USA would be proud of. The grilled calamari and the are the best I have ever eaten anywhere. Though meatballs would seem on the surace a simple dish,I have been disappointed by Italian icons like Gene and Georgetti's and the Italian Village but not Katerina's. Just want a snack? The delicious Skorthalia,a creamy garlic dip served with crusty bread,will excite your taste buds, cure your cold, and end that evening's smooching all at the same time. I could simply go on and on, but let me conclude by saying I have been through about 98% of the menu. There is not one dish that I would not describe as at least very good ,so order what you like without the slightest worry.
As a nightclub, Katerina's offers an intimate, warm, cozy, candlelit atmosphere that allows you ,if you choose ,to sit close enough to make you feel you were being entertained in your own living room. And what entertainment you can expect! Guitarist Alfonso Ponticelli, singers Grazyna Auguscik and Spider Saloff are Katerina's regulars and genuine world stars. Guitarra Azul (neo flamenco)and Rio Bamba (Bossa Nova and Samba)and jazz singer Amanda Crumley are fast rising "ones to watch".These are just a few. Katerina knows music and just like with the food ,you won't be disappointed.
Katerina herself is a friendly,gracious ,hostess who goes out of her way to make sure first timers have a great experience, so do not be afraid to announce it's your first visit. The staff works very hard. Bartender Liz is dearly loved by all the regulars and especially me.