TERRIBLE. Keep in mind that the entire experience below took less than five minutes...\r
I recently had a consultation with Dr. Karnavas for a new retainer. My mouth is very small and my bite is very tight, so I am unable to use standard impression trays to have molds made of my teeth. (I know this after visiting King Orthodontics earlier in the year and having no luck with even his smallest/pediatric trays.) Therefore, before I went to Karnavas' office, I purchased a bunch of foam fluoride trays that dentists use for her to JUST TRY. I understood they might now work, but I figured there was no harm in trying. Apparently, Karnavas DOES NOT POSSESS THE ABILITY TO TRY and help her patients NOR DOES SHE POSSESS ANY PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS WHATSOEVER.\r
Upon entering the exam room, I explained to Karnavas my situation, and, before even seeing the foam trays, she immediately told me they wouldn't work because they were too shallow. A valid point had she maybe LOOKED AT THE TRAYS or LOOKED IN MY MOUTH at all. Oh, did I forget to mention that she DID NOT ONCE ASK TO EXAMINE MY TEETH? NOT ONCE did she expresses ANY interest in examining my mouth, which was SHOCKING since King Orthodontics had done a full consult with me that included an exam, photos, X-rays, etc. (BTW, the people at King are fantastic; I just didn't have foam trays back when I saw them.) \r
Repeatedly I tried to explain that conventional impression trays wouldn't fit into my very small mouth and asked if we could please just TRY the foam tray? No. SHE REFUSED. \r
I then asked what she suggested that I do, and she told me that it was ""up to me."" ""Up to me"" except that she repeatedly negated my idea of what I wanted to try. WHAT KIND OF PROFESSIONAL leaves diagnosis and problem-solving up to the PATIENT?! A COMPLETELY CLUELESS ONE, that's what kind. I even asked to see her smallest impression tray, but she skirted around that as well and I never did get to see any of her equipment. \r
Finally I became so exasperated that I told her it didn't make sense for me to waste her supplies and time (because CLEARLY I WAS WASTING HER TIME) trying to do something that's been proven not to work. She simply said ""OK"" and walked out of the room.\r
One final thing that I thought was really odd and extremely uninviting: Karnavas kept her mask on the entire meeting. Meaning, I NEVER saw her full face. She had it on when she entered the room, when I introduced myself to her (SHE DID NOT INTRODUCE HERSELF), and when she was talking to me. STRANGE, considering (again) that SHE NEVER EXAMINED MY MOUTH. \r
So, to recap:\r
- Lacks problem-solving and ability to try\r
- Clueless\r
- Lazy\r
- Extremely impersonal and uninviting\r
Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she's just disinterested in helping 30-year-old women in wheelchairs that offer to pay out of pocket.