Been going to see Barry for almost 25 years (I started with his father Frank, from whom Barry bought the business) and will most likely continue for at least 25 more. The office runs like clockwork -- the day prior to any appointment one receives a reminder call, without fail (truly, it is as reliable as the rotation of the earth).
An appt. for cleaning and x-rays: less than an hour usually -- one is in the chair w/in 10 minutes of arrival (do not dare show up late and muck this up....) and don't bother to bring a magazine -- you won't have any down time to read.
Barry has even managed to administer anesthetic without me feeling the needle *at all* -- this guy is slick. And the rest of the staff is uniformly friendly, professional, and knows its stuff.
Sorry to carry on, but Barry deserves a good review.
D. R. Kirby