I love premium children's clothes, especially for my daugter. This place has some nice items but nothing you can't find elsewhere for less. Boutique Bebe on Downer is a much better place to find infant and children's clothes that you won't find elsewhere. \r
Just Kidding's prices are ridiculous for what they stock. Flapdoodles, for example, is a brand that is widely available for less. Another thing I don't like about Just Kidding is they don't regularly have sales. Boutique Bebe in contrast carries a much nicer and more unique line of clothes and at least twice a year has really excellent sales. \r
The thing that irks me the most about Just Kidding though, is that the overpriced merchandise comes with a healthy serving of attitute. They seem to think they are somehow better than the customer. The owner, who clearly has some screws loose, once accused my seven year old daughter of trying to shoplift. That was the last time I ever went there.
Cons: Overpriced clothing with an attitued to boot.