While Julia's is a neat clean business, located in a rural area of Johnson county, and while she is well known for her breeding and care of mini schnauzers...i am afraid I have to say I would not purchase a dog from her. It is not because of her expertise...that is great. And it is not because of her knowledge...it is great...but because she clips the ears of schnauzers before she sells them./ this may not seem like a big deal to many but to this dog lover, though I realize it is a must if you are going to show a dog, it seems a cruel way to inflict needless pain on a family pet.
So this reviewer cannot in good conscience give a better rating simply because my sense of right when it comes to clipping comes into play.
As always this is my opinion and not that of JUDYSBOOK....take it or leave it and if in fact you do not agree, feel free to comment or leave your own opinion...as always..until next time.