I was very disapointed with what you did for the price,but live and learn.can't say I that I could recommaned your company.
thanks tom ashton
RESPONSE FROM Joshua Tree, Inc.:
As a firm, Joshua Tree values all feedback and considers addressing client concerns of paramount importance. We've thoroughly reviewed your comments, spoken with the Certified Arborist who was the first professional on site, and looked at all communication we've had together.
As your Arborist shared with you when you expressed your desire to have your tree 'topped', this is detrimental to the tree, and is not a method we'll employ in any situation. And while the process of Crown Thinning was diligently and methodically explained to you, we still regret that the final result is less than pleasing to you. One of the things we've found is that as a little time passes, the greater airflow and improved health and vigor of the tree becomes apparent, and has it's own way of demonstrating this very effective and arboriculturally correct manner of stewardship. We sincerely hope this is true for you and wish you continued success in all your affairs.
Have an absolutely wonderful summer!