JOHNSON PLUMBING & TILE also doing business as Kimberly Burrow (owner) & James Johnson also known as Lester James Johnson or James Lester Johnson. He and Kimberly Burrow got divorced in 2010.
Lester James Johnson is a dishonest, unlicensed plumber and tile man. Not only he does a horrible work, he does it incorrectly, he is unlicensed with LLR (I reported him to LLR and they issued him 'Cease & Desist' and a $500 citation), plus he took upfront money for the materials for plumbing replacement of the whole house and did not do the work nor refunded the money. He attempted to do the work on our property using a fake electrical building permit (not a plumbing permit!) that he was able to get from Orangeburg County somehow (!?). Here's the photo:
As you can see in the image, Mr. James Lester Johnson bribed someone at Orangeburg County, South Carolina to get a fake ELECTRICAL permit so he could do the PLUMBING work at my house. Electrical permit for a plumbing job! And he does not have any electrical permits or licenses!
He got sued in small claims court in Richland County. Civil Case # 2007CV401070700. Please note that his business' (residential) address is or was: 117 DAVIS SMITH RD., COLUMBIA, SC 29203. He claimed to be living in his van and not at the above address. His cellphone # used to be: 803-309-5627. Don't believe what he says, it's a lot of empty promises and lies. Please note that he may change his address or even a company name. He is a Caucasian male around 38-39 years old (as of 2007) that used to live in Pelion, Lexington county in SC. Beware. Years later after the verdict (judgement) the plumber has not contacted me to pay. Beware of the deadbeat plumber. He owns NO property whatsoever although rents a large house on a lake, not safe to do business with him. Reported him to credit bureaus, will put a record on his credit history.
His (their) last known address in the year 2011 is or was:
201 Lincoln Parkway, Columbia, SC 29203
UPDATE: According to LLR Residential Building Commission of Columbia, South Carolina plumber license of JAMES JOHNSON obtained on November 2, 2007 (during the dispute with him) has lapsed on June 30, 2009 and has not been renewed. Thus if he is working as a plumber past that date, he is UNLICENSED. As LLR representative stated, he (James Johnson) will not be issued a new license until he satisfies the judgement(s).