My company sent legal paperwork to Cornell Johnson's office by mistake. Apparently the person the paperwork was in reference to was not an employee of Cornell Johnson. Cornell Johnson is an attorney so should know how to easily respond to the paperwork. It would simply be a matter of writing us a statement explaining that the person in question was not a current employee. Instead, Cornell Johnson calls us multiple times, harassing our office, whining & complaining about how busy he is & how could we be so horrible as to bother his precious time with this paperwork. In all honesty, it took him way more time to continue to call us & complain than it would've to simply fax us a statement claiming the person was never employed. But he has the macho attitude where he has to prove how important he is, how important his time is, how unimportant we are & he continued to waste his time complaining. He also mentioned how he does not hire men, he prefers women, so the employee is question would not have had a chance to work there since he is male. Definitely a chauvinistic pig. After hearing him whine & complain for a while, I simply told him I would be sure to note the account that Cornell Johnson was irritated. He very ""professionally"" called me a choice word that rhymes with witch. So although I have not hired Cornell Johnson as an attorny, I would warn all who may to stay away from this loose cannon. Especially if you are male as I now know he prefers women only.