Do Not Hire This Company. They do not have an office in Portland, they are based in Eugene. Our experience was pure hell. As soon as they received our payment all their lip service went out the window. We hired them to do a $100,000 remodel and had to fire them after they ran up the budget and wasted their timeline (a month and a half with overdue with less than half the work complete). They had shoddy practices from beginning to end. Their management practices were abysmal, they had zero regard for our safety while we lived in our basement during remodel, and their billing and accounting practices are very questionable. The owner screamed at me twice, once on the phone and once in person, in my home when I was seven months pregnant. They had used up our budget with only the framing and part of the exterior complete. They did not pay their subcontractors for work we paid for. Their contract was bogus. They put a false lien on our home (we paid them for all their time and materials - they tried to claim we owed them $22,000 for design and engineering work on a $1,200 design and they do not employ an engineer). They demanded that we arbitrate, but refused to initiate the costly process. The owner is a bully and he employs his useless cousin as lead carpenter. We ended up hiring an attorney.