If owners are sitting at the counter, this salon is fine, but if they are not around, this salon is a disaster !
When I was there one day, owners were not there, Carol was sitting at the counter. When my stylist was cutting my hair, she suddenly came to us and interrupted our conversation ( this person doesn't even know how to say EXCUSE ME. Rude ! ) and said my hairdresser "" I've told the customer, who is waiting, you finish in two minutes !"" then, she said to me ""Two minutes left ! ""
I couldn't believe HOW RUDE SHE WAS and I was speechless ! After that, I was very uncomfortable and my hairdresser couldn't concentrate anymore.
When I left the salon, Carol was still at the counter and flirting with a male customer. She did NOT EVEN SAY THANK YOU to me.
What kind of hair salon is it ?! What kind of customer service is it ? Where is professionalism ????? This is NOT Acceptable !
By the way, this is NOT the first time that I saw her rudeness when owners are not around. She is disrespectful and bossy EVEN to customers
Even though I was a long time customer, I would never recommend this salon to others, as long as such a rude one is messing around. It doesn't matter if other hairdressers are good. I don't want anyone to go through such a terrible experience ! This is the worst salon experience I ever had.