Janie and Jack has the MOST adorable infant and young children's clothing on EARTH! Oh my gosh...all I can say is my husband should THANK his lucky stars that I did not give birth to a girl, because we would be so broke! Absolutely, hands down, the cutest clothing I have seen for kids. The boys stuff is darling as well, but I can resist it. I like Quiksilver and Rusty stuff for my little guy. But still cute, nonetheless. But for the girls...oh dear me. I still walk in there now, knowing full well that I do not want another child...and contemplate getting pregnant just one more time, in hopes of having a girl, so I can fill her closet with their stuff. But knowing me, I will have another boy and all that dreaming will be for nothing. The prices are high, so be prepared to pay. Maybe go in for frequent visits and get their stuff on sale...or better yet, get a job there and get a employee discount! Hey, my sister just had a girl...maybe I should go apply for a job!