This school is the biggest joke and a waste of time. From the second I inquired about the school, I have been hounded by people trying every tactic to try and get me to sign up....and waste my money. Their prices are too high. The facility is poor. People were sleeping and fighting in the hallway. People were mostly sleeping in class. The library is the size of my bathroom. Someone was putting his cigarette out as he was walking into the lobby and I was asked for "a buck to git home" on the way down the elevator...just to name a few things. The people there are also very unprofessional and it feels like they are working on commission. Nothing is displayed in the halls as far as student work, and the excuse for that was that they had just painted. It didn't smell like paint, and the walls were dirty. The student projects that were up, no offense, were low quality. No attention to detail. I have since been called by three different numbers every 1-3 hours to try to get me to