Ikea is probably the worst furniture store I have ever been too and I have never had a positive experience with this place.
Firstly, Ikea is known for having some of the cheapest furniture on the market. In terms of quality, the furniture is as low as the prices are. When testing out and examining some of the furniture I found that the majority of what's available is generally very unsturdy and of poor construction. In some cases the quality was so poor that it felt like I was knocking on some cheap cardboard instead of wood. A lot of the furniture here is made to look nicer than it actually is and the online catalogs can be very misleading. It also isn't unusual to see broken furniture lying around in the store.
In terms of comfort, the furniture here is some of the worst. Just about every bed, chair, and couch here is very low to the ground. The beds and mattresses feel like crates and pebbles, and some even feel like your about to fall through. When testing out the beds, the mattresses were so thin that I could feel the support frames underneath and the beds themselves were not very sturdy either. When it came to seating I found similar issues with the cushioning and the issues related to furniture height only added to this discomfort. Worst of all was one of the office chairs, it was more like a short stool that bounced around like a carnival ride when you sit in it.. just terrible.
The worst part about coming here though is the layout, it's literally a human-sized rat maze. In order to get out the place you have to go through every part of the store.. also once you reach the end of the line, there is no way to exit without going through the registers. They also block off the registers that aren't being used and the people at the front expect you to buy something before leaving the store. It's also really easy to get lost in here, so try to avoid being separated from friends or family if you come here.
Other issues I have encountered here include; crowding, unhelpful employees, and even the sight of people trying to use the display toilets. Coming here reminds me of how much better everyplace else is.