I am all for free enterprise and expanding ones business, but what the heck does someone who sells cars know about building a garage. So let me ask you this; who do you go see when you have a tooth ache? A podiatrist (that?s a foot doctor by the way)? NO you go to the dentist. So how is it that a used car lot owner thinks he knows anything about selling buildings? So here is a little suggestion: If you are going to expand your USED CAR LOT, don?t you think you would research just a little about what you THINK you?re going to be selling. This company has no idea what the rules are about these buildings. It is so confusing, they say no permits are required, but my county says YES you must have a permit. I budgeted for a project based on the price of what I wanted then come to find out that there are hidden fees they did not discuss with me. I don?t care if this was an accident, or on purpose or just ignorance of the law. These fees could be well over $500 extra. HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THAT? Buyers beware, do your research. Save yourself the headaches.