I was in an auto accident, and was recommended this firm by a friend that was using them for a workman's compensation case. I've witnessed how often she got to speak to her lawyer in person and on the phone, her case manager was a sweet heart and they sent her to an AMAZING doctor... Me? My case manager was rude anytime she needed to do her job for me, my lawyer? couldn't get him on the phone only thru email and he was cocky and rude as well... I was informed they only had one doctor for auto injury cases, this doctor was unseen until my surgery day, I'd dealt with his RUDE p.a. for over a month before I ever got to see him then the surgeries made me worse!!! Sooo if you've been hurt on the job, call them you'll be treated great and only have to pay out 25% of your settlement but if you've been injured in an auto accident expect to be treated like dirt and robbed at a steep 35% from your settlement... I'm saddened by my treatment I thought they would put the same effort into my case as they did my friends but NOPE I got the shaft, while she got the throne!!!
Pros: null
Cons: null