Housing Solutions is a site that helps you find houses or apartments to rent in Ithaca. They charge you a fee and then allow you to search their database for listings.
I persued their website but ultimately decided that it definitely wasn't worth it to spend money on their service. The market in Ithaca is nothing like New York City and is quite predictable and easy to navigate.
Moreover, the Cornell Daily Sun provides a huge listing of apartments and houses that are for rent. It used to cost 25 cents to buy the paper, but now it is given away free. Every single landlord advertises in this publication which is why I don't understand why people would pay Housing Solutions money.
Searching the Cornell Daily Sun isn't difficult and one can find dozens of great apartments in there. Moreover, any intelligent individual will quickly recognize the pattern of numbers and realize that there are several big leasing companies that you can contact directly and inquire as to availabilities.
Housing Solutions doesn't necessarily provide you with anything valuable that you cannot get elsewhere. For those that are lazy and don't want to put in the little bit of legwork, this site might be good, but otherwise, I would advise against paying money for their services.