First of all my name is John (Woodworth) and you were the Judge that finalized my divorce.(Dec 2006)\r
I have been going to write sooner but after results of your decison affected my life again today I decided to write.\r
Your decision put extreme financial hardship upon me..and you didn;t even get my name correct!!!\r
. To explain a little I had a 2.5 year marriage with a woman that was previously married 3 times and had 2 children with 2 different men (my lack of judgement too) we agreed to split and move on with our lives.\r
Unfortunatly she was fired from her PT bartending job.then hired an attorney and claimed she had fibromialga and couldn't work anymore .. unfortunately you and Phil Littier bought it!!! \r
Now she collecting money monthly from SSI and is presently back working a PT bartending job (under the table) and collecting child support from two men .\r
I paid her (as you directed) over$70,000.alimony for a 2.5 year marriage because she (said) couldn't work anymore ,,both you and Phil put alot of thought into your decision didn't you??...your judgement has put me in financial hardship and now I have to ask my children to co-sign a car loan so I can drive to my three .. yes THREE jobs ...(full time a Wegmans, PT school bus driver for Canandaigua schools and PT for the NYS. How embarrasing for me to ask my children to co-sign for me ..I'm sure you could care less but an all time low for me! All because you felt someone was OWED for being married for 2.5 years! You never spent the time trying to understand the situation .just looked at my annual income and my ability to pay...you think SHE is owed something in a marriage, what about me?? what did I get out of the marraige? Just my ability to pay?..what happened to a partnership.???. she put $5500 on my credit card for a facelift and $9800 in credit card charges for general shopping .. she admitted it under oath and you made me pay for it ???.. nice job!! you are a JOKE!!!...In the decision you didn't even get my last name correct as her last name is Pettrone and mine is Woodworth ..she never took my last name in marriage .. you really took an interest in doing the right thing .. NICE JOB ..you are being paid very well to make an informed decision and you can't be bothered .. just the ability to pay...you need to understand the impact of your decisions upon good working citizens and not enable people !!\r
I have been going to write for a long time and I know this e-mail will fall on deaf ears ..you could care LESS . you need to spend more time on your cases and do the right thing ..If you worked in the priviate sector you would be fired for not doing the right thing .. I'm not upset that you ruled agaisnt me ...I'm upset that you didn't even spend time to understand (know) the situation ..you DIDN'T EVEN KNOW MY LAST NAME ... .. \r
John Woodworth (not Pettrone)\r
I know this means nothing to you ..you have a job for 13 years ..nice..\r
To everyone who reads this review just remember ... marriage is a partnership and some woman use it as an income and our courts support that .. its all about the ability to pay .. not what right .. they are all a band of brothers .. a brotherhood .. it's a big business .. for their income!