I had the misfortune to stay at your motel. I must say I have stayed a alot motels during my life but your motel has to have been the worst. It is a shame that you have allowed the motel to get into such horrible shape and still want to charge a full rate for the lack of service that you do offer to people. The picture that you have posted on this site should be taken down and replaced with the real pics of this motel. The second we walked into the room we were greeted by bugs. Towels were not clean come on use some damn bleach at least. The carpets was very badly stained. Toilet leaks the whole stay. The grounds were over grown and just scary to walk back and forth at night. The high speed internet service you boast about does not freaking work! We were charged an extra $50.00 for an upgraded room. Upgraded from what hell! Most of the time our keys did not work even after we had them reprogramed. Then you have the nerve to send someone to our room when we were about to check out to make sure we did not take anything. What a slap in the face!!!!! I will make sure nobody I ever know or talk to come to this run down crappy motel. You guys ruined what was suppose to be a great weekend getaway I really hope nobody ever has to go through what we went through here.