I met him at the court house in Joshua Tree. He approached me, seemed amiable enough, He was hired to serve various lien papers for us. Not one was ever served. He had so many ""explanations"" which are really excuses. Thankfully I kept a second set and hired someone else who served them within 24 hours and filed the correct paper work with the court. When I questioned him about the delays in serving the papers he started out polite, then got a bit rude, then beligerent, then actually red in the face. His telephone manners are deplorable and he yelled at me via the phone. He did not refund my money when I requested it and said it was for ""labor and gas"". He did not return my papers when requested and cursed at me for using someone else (again, getting red in the face.) He can't keep anything quiet or secret, you can hear his voice through closed doors. I have heard him on his phone talking so loud anyone could hear his side of the conversation (and that was from outside) - rude, rude, rude. He is a con-man, very unprofessional and rude. And to be honest, I don't know if he is bonded, has a license to serve legal papers, is licensed with the State of California as a private investigator, is a licensed paralegal and all the other legal things he claims to be. He took no responsiblity for his unprofessionalism and rudeness, he blamed it all on me.
Pros: Not one
Cons: Rude, Demanding, Unprofessional, Cursing and Swearing