the location on google maps is wrong. it shows them here (remove space before "". com""): com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=california+highway+patrol+91355&sll=40.674853,-111.954567&sspn=0.232261,0.676346&ie=UTF8&hq=Highway+Patrol&hnear=Highway+Patrol,+28648+The+Old+Rd,+Santa+Clarita,+California+91355-1021&ll=34.444433,-118.601189&spn=0.031569,0.084543&t=h&z=14
when in fact they are actually here: (remove space before "". com"") com/maps?q=34.438437,-118.596396&num=1&t=h&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&ie=UTF8&ll=34.443513,-118.601189&spn=0.033339,0.084543&z=14
this type of mistake (probably google's fault) is what made me drive around for an extra 20 minutes in nasty rain on a bunch of crap frontage roads, almost causing me to get into an un-needed accident, the type of which is the reason i was going to the CHP office to begin with.