Anyone who claims that this company delivers low quality foods should learn how to cook! I'm sure that classes are offered at Wake Tech and are fairly accessible to the general public. That being said, I understand the reluctance of any reasonable person to deal with ""shady"" or intoxicated delivery men trying to make an extra buck--I've seen many such individuals from Omega, who tell me that they have a ""few extra"" on the truck that they are letting go at a great price. Naturally, I tell these individuals exactly how uninterested I am. Recently, however, I was surprised when the actual Warehouse Manager, Denver, and the local Route Manager, Dwight, came to my door and asked for help. They explained to me that a driver had called in today, and that his deliveries were scheduled for that evening in Rocky Mount. Denver and Dwight were planning on going to a Dave Matthews Band concert that night and had received authorization from the company's owner to let the food that the driver was supposed to deliver go out at the company's cost, while rescheduling the food's original delivery time. I was a little bit skeptical at first, but once it became apparent that I wasn't conversing with ex-convicts I was immediately put at ease. And thank goodness I was. I ended up getting nearly 250 pounds of choice rated meat for $600! I even weighed it myself. I asked Denver what the deal was with drivers stopping by and trying to sell meat (though they were clearly not meant to be salespeople and should have stuck with their primary task for the day: delivering food), and he explained that he does offer his employees bonuses for signing up first time buyers, and that such buyers often receive their food at company cost as well. The best part of the whole thing was that as an added bonus for helping them out, Denver and Dwight promised to lock me in at the company cost rate, which I have taken advantage of on several occasions! To the person below: I'm not sure how you ended up paying $10 per pound with this company, but maybe it had something to do with that specific delivery driver scamming you--you never know what an unscrupulous individual will do to make an extra buck. My experience with the managers, however, has been wonderful, and I would recommend buying from them to any of my friends and neighbors!