I have to say that I have been quite lucky in that we have found good doctors that DO listen. In MD, I started typing up a list of all the medications I was taking, prescription and over the counter. Then I would also include any questions that I wanted to ask, any problems or concerns and if I needed new prescriptions etc. My doctor in MD liked what I did and he even kept "my" paper in my folder. When we moved to FL, I did the same thing. He liked it so much that he made it a part of his PRACTICE, he has ALL of his patients doing it .. that way it helps the doctor to address your concerns. Also, it helps HIM so he doesn't have to go back through your chart to see what med's you are currently taking. That way he can spend more time with YOU and why or what your visit is about on that date. Also, you can be sure that you mentioned something to him/her if for some reason they claimed you didn't regarding a concern you had. It helps YOUR doctor HELP you and since appointments are usually scheduled to last 10 minutes in most practices, you will feel better knowing that you haven't left anything unmentioned. They HAVE to read it. Even though I am in Colorado Springs now, I am using the best doctor in the "world" .. Dr. Leland Heller, in Okeechobee, FL as my favorite one that DID LISTEN.