I visited the Helen Water Park this past weekend. When we boarded the bus to take us upriver for tubing. Despite every seat in the bus being filled, the driver, Merle Long, who is also the owner of Helen Water Park, inexplicably stopped at the end point on the river to pick up about two dozen other people who had finished tubing before he drove those who us who were going tubing. There was no seating room and and as a result, some 20+ passengers were forced to stand (which is against the law, as this bus was of a school bus design). Wouldn't it have been easier to first drop off the passengers who were going tubing at the starting point and then pick up those who had finished tubing?
During the ride up to the starting point, Mr. Long noticed that several adolescent passengers were in possession of open containers of alcohol. He confiscated the alcohol, which these passengers handed over to him without resistance. However, Mr. Long wouldn't "let it go." While driving the bus, he continued to lecture the adolescent passengers about how they were wrong to be carrying alcohol, etc., provoked a response from these adolescents, thus inciting a verbal exchange. Mr. Long then abruptly pulled the bus over to the side to kick the adolescent passengers off. Obviously forgetting that we were all packed in like sardines, he abruptly opened the door which slammed against a female passenger's arm, injuring her. Mr. Long then called the police and refused to let any of the other passengers off the bus.
Merle Long is an embarrassment to his water park. He's a stubborn, judgmental individual, who's very set in his ways and should not be interacting with the public.