I was very disappointed in being able to exchange my next book. The first one I had I could not turn on even after charging. This had been just a few days so I took it back to store. To get a lesson I figured I must not know how to turn it on. But know it was broke. Hastings exchanged it just fine. So I bring my new home works fine for 6 months then it will not charge. I have receipt box everything I need. Hastings tells me I must return to company and they will send me a new one real easy they say. So I call the company in California and I am on hold for about 40 minutes, I finally get an answer and then I am given a customer nber and e mailed a mailing label that I need to print out and send back insured on my dime. So I do so immediately. I have it tracked so I know it arrived on October 17th but they send me am ail saying they received it October 23rd, at that point they claim to be processing me a new one. Well I sit here novber 1st till no tablet. This is a 200 dollar tablet that I use everyday at work and home. So I reccomend you by electronic things like this somewhere else like best but or something or he'll buy a kindle through Amazon that is what I plan to do next time. Hope this is helpful