I'd like to respond to Jane W's review with an explanation of the process of an accident call. After a vehicle is recovered from an accident and brought back here to the shop, it is the owner's responsibility to notify their insurance company of the accident. In Jane W's case, she must have had collision as she stated an adjuster came and totalled the vehicle. In this case, the insurance company would have paid everything and also had the vehicle removed. Jane W would not have had to do anything. Without collision coverage however, she would have been responsible for the towing and disposal of the vehicle. In this case, two things can happen. She could have paid the original tow bill and had the vehicle removed herself or paid the original tow bill, bring in the title and we will dispose of the vehicle, however she stated an adjuster came and looked at the vehicle which also totalled it. Something in Jane W's story is not jiving. If her story was the case, the insurance company would