My husband and I were trying to have a quiet dinner, while the table next to us was determined to let those tables around them hear every detail of a visit to a stripclub, by LOUDLY explaining every lurid detail. We tried to just ignore the loud juvenile behavior, however when one professed that "I was going to get him laid!! --that was enough. I asked them to please keep it down, as I didnt need to hear the vulgar details of his stripper experience, he prompty told me that he didnt give a damb about what I had to say either, and told me, " shut up!". I went to get the manager, (who really really needs a better wig, or at least somone to show her how to tuck in her great hair and not wear the wig as a hat)and rather than tell a loud disruiptive group who is insulting other patrons, to leave, she simply moved us and replied rudely that she had no explaination as to why she would let them stay. We decided that we would leave. Apparently she doesnt understand the concept of keeping your restaurant free of harassment to patrons, and would rather worship the almighty dollar. We asked to see the owner, and she said SHE was. Well, perhaps thats why there are bad reviews online, and so many empty chairs in the establishment.