After 24 hours in er I arrived. Apon arrival at 2am by ambulance (2 hour drive), i filled out all the paperwork and was all ready to go. The admission girl declined my entry because a piece of paper (now invaled because i all ready signed voultary) was not i had to be returned to the origanal hospital by ambulace to have a time put on a paper, fax was not good enough. Got loaded into a new ambulance and made the long drive back. Arrived at 6am on the 12-6-19. The intake person was a compleat spaz. 97% of my intake was left undone. They showed me my bed and that was all. shift change was at 7am and it was to much work to be done in a hour. I seen the phyc doc at 7am. He talked to me for about 3 min then increased the meds i was already on. Art class was at 11am. at noon another person started my intake papers. It was a forien lady with heavy accent, she didnt say much asked a few short questions and said i was done. Social work group was after lunch, a lady reading of a paper and trying to get a disscusion going.
There was no more groups. The medical doctor arrived at 9pm. Seen me for about 3min and just went with the meds i came in with.most were very expensive so he just had them use the meds i came in with. And would be started in the morining. I had refused all food
Day 2
Vitals were done around 6:30am
Seen phyc dr 3min or less at 7am. Diffrent one from the day before.
Social work group after lunch same lady reading a paper trying to get a chat going. The was nothing the rest of the day. They refused my insalin so Again i refused all food.
Day 3
Was the same a day 2.
And again refused all food and they declined my insulain.
The paper my husband got from main hospital said it was visit day. I was super excited. He called could not get anyone on the phone. He drove the 2 hours with the paper. They refused to let him see me as they had changed the sechudel and the was no staff to get me.
Day 4
Vitals around 6:30am
Phyc dr 3min or less.
Art at 11am.
Same social work group.
No more groups for the day.
Again insulan was refused and i refused all food.
Husbaned called again still could not get anyone on the phone.
Day 5
Seen phyc dr 3min or less 7am
Vitals done around 8:30.
Ate breakfast they refused insulan.
Art at 11am
Ate Lunch they refused insulan.
Social work group was the same.
No more groups
Husband called still could not speak to anyone.
Ate dinner finally got insulain.
Day 6
Vitals done around 6:45am
Seen phyc doc 7am 3 min or less asked to go home. Was told no could go home tommorow at 10am. Asked why i couldnt go today. No response.
Ate breafast got insualin. Was complaining to staff about not going home as a social work lady waked by. Asked my name imformed me i could leave at 10am. Asked my address, phone number and if i had after care. I called my husband to pick me up. He arrived 2 hours later. Staff was still working on my INTAKE paper work as well as discharge.Forin lady had me sign a few papers didnt say anything other then sign this.
No one called my husband, no one went over discharge or meds. Nothing. Handed me a red folder full of half done papers and gave me my stuff back walked me down to the lobby and away i went.
Worst place i have ever been.
I went on a 5 day hunger strike. Only see docs for less the 12min over the course of one contacted my husband or could pickup a phone. Did not finish intake or duscharge paperwork. Very disorganized. Only 2 groups
On week days, nothing on weekend.