Larry Handley has hired a reputation management company to post fake positive reviews on several online review sites. I have filed a complaint with the Attorney Disciplinary Board. The Citysearch site deleted the fake reviews because they violated their Terms of Use. As a real client, the Attorney Fee Arbitration Committee determined that there were inappropriate charges and reduced my fee significantly. These were for 1) misleading me as to whether it was mandatory for him to be present at mediation, 2) for going back on his promise to work with me to reimburse me for an error he made in court (he even had it in writing and still refused to reimburse me until forced to do so by the Committee), and 3) for charging me interest while our case was continuing and our billing dispute was ongoing. Handley also charged me for a meeting and a phone call which never took place. He refused to provide the records I requested. Handley also used the wrong cost scale for my children's college expenses in court, which cost me thousands of dollars. Very poor performance, effort, communication and service. This is the tip of the iceberg of the terrible experience I had with this firm.