I have had multiple bad experiences with HPUD. They are a complete monopoly and have the most outrageously expensive charges. They continually raise their rates. My last bill had a 9% increase in just one month. My bill is about $90 for my young family of 3 and we do not water lawns, wash cars etc. This is triple some people I know in other utility districts. I got a really large bill one time and when I questioned them they said that the meter reader had mentioned a steep increase in his report and he wondered if there was a leak somewhere. No one ever called us to let us know. There was a leak and they only refunded me $50 from about a $200+ bill. We recently moved and unlike most businesses they cannot take new address information over the phone. We had to come down in person (during business hours of course), pay the transfer fee, and bring a copy (which we had to bug the real estate agent to get) of the selling/purchasing paperwork before they would switch us over, even though we