I should have written before to warn of thishorribe, unethical practice. I should have sued but I didn't. First, he isextremely rude and actually made me cry. I had gum problems in the past and after 2 surgeries I thought I was o.k. I went back in and he looked at my mouth, threw his instrument on the tray, said to his assistant, she has an infection...schedule her for surgery. He also tries to give you different medications and cleansers from Amway because he must be a member. I left crying and scared that I had to spend more money. I never went back. I then went to another dentist and explained my situation and told him I was scared that their was an infection. He looked and then said that my gums actually look pretty good. I was horrified. How many unnecessary procedures have I had done? When the Collection agency kept calling me, I flat out told them that I was not paying him anything and told them my story. They never tried again to collect the money. This man should not practice ...ever!!! Stay away. When I see his commercials I get sick to my stomach.